Write the Vision, Make it Plain - My Testimony

Three years ago, I sat on the edge of my bed feeling really confused. I was unsure about what God was calling me to do and I had a million and one unanswered questions going around in my mind. This was particularly difficult time in my walk because something inside of me had changed; for some reason all I wanted to do was write about God - I just craved to be in His presence. 

I would do anything I could, just to feel close to Him. “What direction am I heading in Lord?” I asked without expecting Him to answer. 

As I was sitting there alone, out of nowhere, I heard a small voice telling me to write everything that was on my mind down. I followed the instructions even though I thought the voice I heard was just the product of my overactive imagination. 

I also added a few things to my list that I was hoping for, but when I reflected on these that I had wrote down, I felt disheartened because they seemed far from possible.

Moments later, I received an invitation by text message to go to a prayer meeting that same evening. I wrestled with the idea of going at first because my son was a newborn and the prayer meeting started at 9pm and finished around 12am; not to mention it was absolutely freezing outside, but for some reason I felt a strong urge to go. Back then, I really disliked prayer meetings because I struggled with praying out loud but this urge overpowered that.

As my son was only 5 months old at the time, I knew exactly what people would be thinking when they saw me dragging him out in the winter at that time of night, but I just needed to be there but I didn't know why. 

Anyway, a few hours later, I arrived at the church and as I stood outside with my baby in one hand wrapped up in his car seat and my baby bag in the other, I thought to myself: "What are you doing Chantelle?" "God, do you even want me here, why am I even here?" 

During the prayer meeting the Holy Spirit moved powerfully. People were being delivered and set free, it was fantastic to watch but I just felt like an outsider looking in. "What about me?" I cried out to God from the inside.

It was just after midnight when there was a call for the final closing prayer and I was left feeling completely deflated because I thought that God had deliberately rejected me. 

As I was getting ready to pack up my things and walk away, a woman called out my name, she took me by the hand and the Lord revealed to her what I had written down earlier. She spent time sharing what God was saying concerning my issues. Right at that moment my life had changed.

Here's some brief information about the items that were on my list from February 2013:

1. It wasn't really public knowledge about my writing as I had only just started to write, but that morning the Lord confirmed that my writing would change lives.

2. I felt like I was chasing after God and He seemed to take priority over a lot of stuff in my life and I thought that I was chasing after God aimlessly. God confirmed that He saw it all and called me faithful.

3. A few weeks prior to this experience, I was going through a very difficult time and God spoke to me and clearly said: "I will make a way." However, as far as I was concerned, there was no way out of the situation I was facing back then and I desperately needed to take action myself, but I just couldn't shake the voice that I heard. I decided to hold tightly onto those words He spoke that day and I put my trust in God. At the prayer meeting the Lord confirmed He was saw my heart because He said: "You trusted me when you could have taken matters into your own hands.” I trusted in God and He made a way out of no way for me. I will share this story on another blog soon!

4. God also said that promotion doesn't come from the east or west but it comes from Him and this year I got a promotion at work.  

There were more items on my list but I think you get the idea. I am a living testimony that God will answer our prayers, even if it's in written format. Even when you think He's not there, He's right by your side. You are not alone!

Write the vision make it plain, well, what are you waiting for get your phone, laptop, tablet or a pen and paper and start writing!

And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. Habakkuk 2:2 KJV

Hello, is anyone out there? Please comment and share your testimony.