When I Struggle to Leave my Past in the Past
Last night, I started to work on this website and I was feeling excited about using my gift of writing to encourage someone else. But as I was driving to work I started thinking about all of the foolish things that I've said and done in my past.
I cringed at the thought of God actually watching my behaviour and listening to the rubbish that came out of my mouth. Even though I repented for these things years ago, the thoughts of what I said and did still managed to come to back to try and make me relive the guilt.
I quickly came to realise that these thoughts were not from God because He had already forgiven me, so where did they actually come from?
satan was trying to drag me down. I had to quickly put my foot down, if I gave him a foot hold, I would have probably spent the day feeling low which could have almost likely resulted in putting a stop to creating this blog. Ephesians 4:37 tells me that I shouldn't give satan an opportunity to come in, so I had to stop him in his tracks right there and then by believing what God said in His word about forgiveness and understanding that I already possess the power and authority to reject lies from satan.
““So let God work his will in you. Yell a loud no to the Devil and watch him scamper.”
James 4:7
The Message”
I just want you to know that your past is not a surprise to God as He is the creator of all living things and He has seen it all before. The Bible is proof of this.
Jeremiah 31:3 tells us that God said: “I've never stopped loving you and never will. Look forward to my continuous love!” God's love for us is eternal, it did not end when you turned your back on Him, when you made those silly mistakes, when everyone else turned their backs on you or when others hurt and rejected you. There is nothing you can do to stop Him from loving you. If you have been given a specific task to do for God, keep pushing on and don't let the thoughts of your past abort your dreams and visions.
In the Bible, Hagar got herself into serious trouble! She was left alone with her son in the wilderness because she had an illegitimate child with Abraham who was already married! Abraham’s wife, Sarah, couldn't have children and Hagar was promised that if she gave Abraham a son, they would be looked after. When things went wrong, she found herself alone with her son. Hagar more than likely felt used and rejected. Her situation probably made her feel worthless like a piece of old furniture that was tossed into the street and forgotten about. She turned to God for help and He heard her desperate cry and promised that a great nation would come from her child, Ishmael also. (Read Genesis 21:10-21)
Rehab was a prostitute and God saved her just because she had faith in Him (Read Hebrews 11:31)
Zacchaeus was a tax collector who was a cheat because he would collect more tax than what was required and kept the extra for himself to become rich. God saved him because he sought after Jesus and was willing to change. (Read Luke 19: 1-10)
The woman of Samaria had five husbands and the man that she was with at the time when she met Jesus was not even one of them! God saved her because she had a desire for a new life with Jesus. (Read St John 4:1-42)
In each of these situations everyone had different reasons for seeking God. The Lord did not judge them by their past or their situations. He looked beyond their faults and just saw their needs and now, God is ready to do something new in your life. So you can no longer allow your past to determine your future.
It's time to let go and move forward - start walking.